December Newsletter 2022
Happy December Everyone!
First off, we’d like to thank you all for an amazing semester. We’ve been so happy to welcome so many new families and see so many of our returning ones back!
The last day of Fall classes is Tuesday, December 20th
Classes will resume for our Spring Semester on Wednesday, January 4th
Spring 2023 Information
Our Spring 2023 Schedule is out now! We have copied over all previous enrollment from Fall, however our schedule has changed quite a bit so please check your classes and confirm your schedules!
New Classes:
Tap 1 (ages 6-8) – Mondays 5:00-6:00pm
Lyrical 1 (ages 6-8) – Tuesdays 5:00-6:00pm
*Teen Tap (ages 11+) – Thursdays 7:00-8:00pm
Adult Jazz (ages 18+) – Thursdays 8:00-9:00pm
*Tap 3 became Teen Tap
You can check out our Schedule here:
Register at this link:,9,13
New Teachers:
We have some staff changes coming up in the Spring!
We’ll be saying a sad goodbye to Violet Salter, who is leaving to go to college—good luck!
New teachers will be Jenna Ulery, Haley Gott, and Jenna Masood! Pictures and biographies will be posted on our website and in the newsletter in January!
New Front Office Staff:
Along with Jenna Masood at the front office, we’re welcoming Isa Watkins!
Jenna will be working again at the front desk Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays
Isa will now be working the front desk Mondays and Wednesdays
2022 Winter Showcase
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Winter Showcase! We had so much fun seeing all our dancers’ progress throughout the semester!
If you ordered a shirt but haven’t picked yours up yet (if you were sick, couldn’t make it to the show, etc.), check in with the front desk! We have yours accounted for!
Our studio lost & found is OVERFLOWING. Please check the bin by the front desk and pick up any lost items!
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us!
Dream Staff