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Our classes are designed to be taken for a full school year. However, if a student takes a trial class and the teacher and the student agree that it is a good fit, they are welcome to join at any point during the year.
AGES 18month- 3 years
Our parent/tot class is designed for dancers 18months old and walking to three years old. Parents and/or caregivers are in class with the child the entire time. This half hour class aims to facilitate motor and social development through play, sensory engagement, as well as follow-along music. Having the caregivers in class is a fun way to watch your child learn and grow.
MINI Level
AGES 2.5-4
Our mini level is designed for dancers 2.5 and potty trained. These classes are a half hour long and creative movement based with lots of fun and free dance incorporated into class. Dancers will start to learn basic technique in the class style as well as work on skills such as listening, balance, direction following.
AGES 4-6
Do you have a budding ballerina on your hands? This class is about introducing students to ballet and tap technique, while keeping things fun. In this 45 minute long class the instructor will work with students on proper ballet terminology using activities that keep students interested. Students will also explore their creative sides to further their education of dance movement. Ballet & Tap. This class will have two recital dances (Ballet and Tap).
AGES 4-6
This class is the perfect space for children who are on the move and full of energy. This class focuses on creating a space for movement while learning introductory hip hop moves and rhythm. In this 45 minute class, you can expect to see jumps, claps, turns and various other moves that the instructor utilizes to keep the dancers moving and learning at the same time. It's also a great opportunity for young dancers to engage in their first dance style or even try a new one.
AGES 4-6
Students in preschool tumble will get to safely engage basic acrobatic techniques and skills. In this class, students begin to learn skills such as forward rolls, cartwheels, and handstands. Along with developing these acrobatic skills, students will also have many opportunities to learn and practice social skills such as, waiting for their turn, listening to keep themselves and others safe, and even routine making. Class often includes fun obstacle courses as well.
AGES 6-9
Students in the class will begin learning the discipline of Ballet. Students will do barre work as well as begin to become familiar with ballet technique and terminology. Instructors will strive to keep students interested in ballet by appealing to their creative sides during their dance lessons.
AGES 6-9
Level one tap includes the fundamental tap technique of shuffles and flaps. Students will go across the floor practicing their tapping skills. They will also work on small combinations to combine the movement that they learn. Expect fun music to engage students in their tap lessons.
AGES 6-8
This class is for the student that wants to show off their style. Basic hip hop movement will be taught to music fun music that is age appropriate.
AGES 6-9
This class is for the student that wants more emotional movement. Instructors will teach students about the emotional connection to movement and how it shapes performances. Since this a beginning level a very basic techniques will be used to help students understand facial expression and movement. Ballet is highly recommended with this class.
Ages 6-8
Do you have an aspiring cheerleader/poms dancer on your hands? Poms one is a great entry level class to the world of poms. Students in Poms 1 will begin to develop technical skills and tricks found in poms, while keeping things fun engaging! Students will learn pom positions and technique and fun combos!
AGES 6-8
Acro is a gymnastic inspired style of dance. Acro aims to teach kids various tricks for dance. They will work on strength to build up muscles used for skills as well as conditioning so our bodies can be stronger. Both of these things allow dancers in Acro to learn skills safely.
AGES 8-10
Building on skills learned in Ballet 1, students begin to progress in their ballet technique. Expect more terminology and intricate movement. Class will also become more structured. Instructors will expect more attention and focus, while still making class enjoyable.
AGES 8-10
This class will continue the student's tap education by adding in more difficult movement and concentrating more on the sound coming from student's feet. This class will also work on the ability to dance together. Since tap is dependent on the sounds that students make, Instructors will use multiple techniques to help students understand tap sounds and movement.
AGES 8-10
This class continues to develop the student's technique and style. Expect slightly more intricate movement both in center work and across the floor. Combinations will be taught at the end of class to help students begin to remember choreography and practice the new movement they learned across the floor.
AGES 8-10
This level of Contemporary will continue the concept of an emotional connection to movement, while using more complex movement and exploring a variety of emotions. Ballet is highly recommended to take along with this class.
AGES 8-10
This class is for the student that wants to show off their style. Basic to Intermediate hip hop movement will be taught to music fun music that is age appropriate. Expect students to master basic freeze poses and begin to explore their hip hop style.
AGES 6-9
Do you have an aspiring cheerleader/poms dancer on your hands? Students in Poms 2 will continue to develop pom techniques and skills.
Expect slightly more intricate movement both in center work and across the floor. Combinations will be taught at the end of class to help students begin to remember choreography and practice the new movement they learned across the floor.
ACRO 2/3
AGES 8-11
AGES 9-12
At this point in the student's' training he/she should be able to correctly perform multiple movements at the barre. Expect continued barre work as well as more advanced floor work in this course. This class is an hour long twice a week.
AGES 9-12
This class will expect student to have a solid base of tap knowledge. Acapella tap will be explored as well as more complex rhythms. Students will continue their work on dancing together while learning movement across the floor as well as combinations in center.
AGES 9-12
Students at this point will begin to experience more styles of Jazz. Technique will continue to be focused on. Students can expect across the floor work as well as multiple combinations. It is highly recommended to take the Turns & Leaps class along with Jazz 3. It will help further students' technique and flexibility.
AGES 10-12
This class is for the student that wants to show off their style. Intermediate to advanced hip hop movement will be taught to music fun music that is age appropriate. Expect students to master clean choreography, pillars of freestyle, and articulate sharp movements.
AGES 9-12
At this point students should have a grasp on intermediate technique and have begun uses facial expression within their movement. Instructors in the course will cover intricate movement using across the floor movement as well as longer more complicated combinations. Ballet and Turns & Leaps is highly recommended to take along with this class.
AGES 9-14
This class is for the student who wants to practice and perfect their technique, while working on their fitness. This class focusing on developing muscles while further perfecting movement taught in Jazz and Contemporary. The core and strength work will help in every other class the student takes. No recital dance will be taught in this class.
AGES 12 & up
AGES 12 & up
The most fun way to end the week! Teen Hip Hop is a place to let go and get loose while challenging yourself to develop new ways of movement in an upbeat environment.
AGES 12 & up
AGES 12 & up
AGES 12 & up
In teen lyrical, the focus is on technique, strength and flexibility. We work on all these things that add up to a well rounded dancer while creating a safe and beautiful space to be fluid and in touch with our bodies to create amazing movement.
AGES 11 & up
AGES 12-14
At this point in the student's' training he/she should be able to correctly perform multiple movements at the barre. Expect continued barre work as well as more advanced floor work in this course. This class is an hour and fifteen minutes long. Students should be working towards pointe work, with the potential of starting pointe work by the end of the year.
AGES 12-14
AGES 12-14
Student will need to have a basic understand of tap movement. Acapella tap will be explored as well as more complex rhythms. Students will continue their work on dancing together while learning movement across the floor as well as combinations in center. Students will begin to work on more advanced combinations and tap technique.
AGES 12-14
Students should have a solid technique base at this point in jazz. More complex turns and leap combinations will be taught. It is highly recommended to take the Turns & Leaps class along with Jazz 4. It will help further students' technique and flexibility.
AGES 12-14
Students at this point will work on their story telling skills through dance. With a heavy focus on technique students will work on more intricate and advance combinations. Ballet and Turns & Leaps is highly recommended to take along with this class.
AGES 12-14
AGES 14 & up
AGES 14 & up
AGES 14 & up
Students should have a solid technique base at this point in jazz. More complex turns and leap combinations will be taught. It is highly recommended to take the Turns & Leaps class and ballet with Jazz 5. It will help further students' technique and flexibility. This is considered a high intermediate to advanced class.
AGES 14 & up
AGES 14 & up
Private Lessons
Private lessons can be arranged, please contact us by phone or email.